Monday, April 11, 2011

Thankful Monday

Starting a new habit - every Monday I will post 5 things I am grateful for:
  • I have a job that allows me to work from home
  • I have a house that is big enough for my family
  • I purchased my first triathlon bike over the weekend (and now I can't wait for it to get here!)
  • My father is recovering well from his surgery a week ago
  • I have a truly amazing and wonderful husband who encourages me in all I do

1 comment:

  1. HEY THERE!! Commenting on an older post in reply to your Boston marathon comment. I KNEW that I heard someone!!! I had totally turned off my headphones, etc as I ran into the finish. Thanks for cheering ;-) I'm glad that I am taller in person vs the other way around! Crazy about the events that day, but super glad you are safe.
