- How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment? If we are talking about filling out the answers to these questions – I am hopeful that this will point me in a better direction than I am travelling currently. If we are talking about my currently employment situation (which is kind of what I’m doing right now), I don’t like it. I love the money, the benefits and how it has reduced my husband’s stress level – but I don’t like what I do and I don’t like my boss even a little bit.
- What is your fondest childhood memory? Who was there? What was going on?
- How comfortable are you in your home? Fairly. We have plenty of room. It’s not the nicest of homes, there is no view, but it is warm, the kids like it, the bus comes to the end of the driveway to pick them up, the kitchen is big enough for me to do the cooking that I enjoy and I feel very safe here.
- How comfortable are you in your town/city/state? Again, fairly. I like living in a smaller town – I feel safer and I like that I see people that I know at the grocery store or when walking around town. I love that the kids are safe skiing at the Snow Bowl since everyone keeps an eye on everyone else. I wish we were a bit closer to the everyday conveniences, but I’m willing to take the inconvenience of living in a smaller remote town
- What kind of weather do you like? While I like to look at snow (it is beautiful right after a heavy snow with the trees covered in snow) and walk in snow (the muted sounds are wonderful), driving in snow I could leave at any time. Ideally, I like warm. I really like sitting outside in shorts and a t-shirt with the sun on my face.
- Do you believe you can have your cake and eat it too? Why or Why not? Of course you can have your cake and eat it too – who gets to put a limit on what I can have/enjoy?
- What is one quality about your parent(s) that you really loved? They always encouraged us to try things when we had a speck of interest – one day, I told my father I wanted to have a horse farm. He spend the rest of the afternoon working with me to figure out how big of a farm I would need to get to support the number of horses I wanted, how much it would cost, how I could go about getting the money to purchase the farm, what I could do for a living to support the farm. They never said, “You can’t do that because…”
- What is one quality about your parent(s) that you really do not like? Their utter selfishness. They can only think about themselves and what they want. They are completely incapable of imagining what it is like for others and cannot fathom how someone’s opinions could be different from theirs.
- Do you like what you are doing for money? Sometimes. I like solving problems for people. I like managing projects because I am good at figuring out the requirements and breaking the requirements into small achievable actions. I like presenting ideas to people and training people on something they don’t know. If I could do more of that and less secretarial work, I would enjoy it more.
- What do you feel is your greatest skill? Listening
- What do you feel is your greatest personality trait? Wanting to help and the joy I get from helping
- Do you feel like anything in your life is holding you back from ultimate joy? List everything. Money, laziness, ability (athletic when thinking about triathlon, fundraising when thinking about non-profit volunteer work, programming skillz), gumption to finish what I’ve started, my temper, my need to make others feel my pain.
- Write a paragraph or two about your ideal weekend/time away from work. Include location, sights, smells, food, activities, people.
- How close are you in proximity to the people you absolutely adore the most? For Matt – at the most 2.5 miles during the work day. For the kids – at the most 6 miles during the school day. I am at least 800 miles from my sister.
- What do you want out of life? To be happy. To feel like I have made a difference in someone’s life. To feel like I have left the earth a better place. To know that my children are happy and are not harmed by my presence
- How do you think people will remember you when you die? A crabby opinionated woman who attempted some nutty things
- How do you want people to remember you when you die? Someone who made a difference and is loved.
- Write your epitaph – the sentence you would want to appear on your grave
- What is one thing you could do today, this week, this month, or this year to get a step closer to creating the legacy in #17? Be more patient with my children, be a good friend, dinf that “thing” that will help make a difference in the world to ease suffering.
- How do you feel about your home furnishings? A little dog and kid worn – but overall – close to what really makes me happy. Once the kids get a little bit older – it will be time to ugrade the sofa, etc and I believe we’ll get something similar to what we already have.
- Do you have a hobby that you like to do but you don’t get paid for? What is it? I have several. I quilt, knit, cook and do triathlon.
- Does money hold you back from anything? What does it hold you back from? Be very specific. Sure it does – I have to go to work every day instead of doing what I choose. I think about each purchase instead of just buying things. I am unable to travel (both because I have to work and have limited vacation time AND I don’t have the funds to go a bunch of places)
- What do you think of passionate people? Sometimes they are overwhelming – but generally I like them
- Do you know anyone who you feel is living their dream? Who? What do they do all day and night? Be very specific.
- Do you think you can be completely satisfied living where you do right now? Yes
- What do you want to accomplish? Nothing specific (like climbing Mt Everest – which I have NO interest in ever doing)…wait – that’s wrong. I really want to complete an Iron-distance triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, 26.2 mile run). I want to raise good and happy children that still want to hang out with their parents when they are grown. I want to stay happily married to Matt. I want to feel satisfied with my life.
- Do you want to change your career? If I knew what to change it *to*, yes. But I don’t.
- Do you wish you lived closer to a certain someone or group of people? I wish my sister lived closer to me.
- Do you wish you lived in a foreign country or a far away state? Nope. I wouldn’t mind visiting a far away state or a foreign country – but this place is pretty darn good right now.
- What are three things that you do everyday that make you totally happy? Have my cup of coffee in the morning, take the dog for walk + chuckie,
- What do you want to pass on to your children? The ability to treat people kindly, good manners, the desire to improve the world, awareness of their impact on the world, happiness
- What is something you have never tried but would like to? I would like to hike the Appalachian Trail with my kids, I would like to learn how to speak another language
- Are there things in life you wish you could reverse or make right? Absolutely. I would reverse my tendency to miscarry (instead of being pregnant for 10 years with nothing to show for it, I would have an 18 year old and a 16 year old). I would reverse my father being a bully. I would reverse my mom not standing up for her kids against the bully. I would study more in college. I would start training for triathlon sooner. I would save more, spend less and just be.
- Do you feel like you have enough money to live the way you want to? No. But it’s close.
- Are you happy when you think about the upcoming day and all that it comes with? Not right now (hence this exercise). I am so frustrated by my job right now – I am bored day in and day out. I feel like I spend my entire day waiting for the kids to come home…once they are home, I push, push, push through dinner and bedtime to spend maybe an hour with Matt on the sofa watching TV. I’m not getting anything out of life right now. I feel like I am just marking time.
- What do you find challenging? Keeping my patience. Not judging people who are incompetent at their jobs. Not getting frustrated with the kids when they have terrible manners.
- What do you find thrilling? Surprises. Accomplishing something I have as a goal.
- What are three memories you haven’t created but you would like to? Finishing an Ironman-distance race in the allotted time. Watching my children successfully live their lives as adults. Feeling totally valued, beautiful, smart and successful.
- Do you feel energized when you work? Nope.
- Do you feel creative when you work? Nope – I am a trained monkey who only does what is told.
- Describe what you consider work, and what you consider play. What are the differences? Work is doing something that must be done but doesn’t provide me enjoyment (like cleaning the house, yard work, etc). Play is just going with the moment.
- Do you feel blessed or lucky to wake up each day? How can you get to that point? Not right now. I used to. I think if I was working for someone else and I felt like I was being more productive in my time away from work (instead of just treading water). If I could take the time to be a touch more grateful about my current situation, that could help as well.
- If all of your debt was forgiven tomorrow and you had a completely blank slate, what is the very FIRST think you would change about your life? Don’t have much debt except for the mortgage…so this isn’t that far out from reality. What is the first thing?
- Where are three places you have always thought about living but never did? Hawaii, NYC and Ireland.
- When do you want to retire? When I have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life.
- Is there an award or accolade you have always dreamed of winning or being recognized for?.
- If you could learn how and money was not an issue, is there anything else you would do for work besides what you are doing now? Be specific.
- List three things you could immediately change about your work day if you were the boss. More strategy (where we want the group to go) with less details (letting the group figure out the specifics), more human interaction, find ways to make insurance not such a money grubbing enterprise.
- List three things you would immediately start doing on the weekend if you had the money Have someone clean the house for me. Have someone do the yardwork. Going out on a date with Matt more often.
- Imagine it is a big holiday and you are with your loved ones and you are living what you truly love. When they ask what you have been doing, what do you say in reply?
Which questions do you find difficult to answer? Why do you think that is?