Friday, April 15, 2011

After reading one of my new favorite blogs RANTS FROM MOMMYLAND about her kid's perception of the top ten responses to the question "What's Rule #1?", I posed a version to the kids at dinner last night.

MasterDebator said instantly "No singing at the dinner table." Hmmm. Must be because I had just told her to stop humming under her breath while we were trying to eat. Lesson learned.

SharkGirl said, "Don't leave toys in the living room." While I'm glad that one stuck - I need a single room in the entire house that doesn't have small plastic pieces and bright pink fabric as accessories - it is curious that *that* particular rule stuck since she hasn't left anything in there for at least 12 hours.

Then SharkGirl said, "No fighting." True dat. I REALLY don't like listening to fighting. It wears me out.

Then we ran out of rules. Interesting. I would have thought all the ranting I had done in the last 3 years (ok - so maybe it was more than 3 years - but I'm sticking with that number) about flushing after using the toilet, wiping the seat off if you sprinkle when you tinkle, putting your clothes directly into the hamper instead of on the floor, not eating a complete meal WHILE I'm making dinner, and no interrupting would have stuck a little better.

Apparently I need to up the rant factor. I'll get on that.

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