Friday, April 1, 2011

The Four Agreements

Several years ago, I read a book that really resonated with me called The Four Agreements. They are:
  • Be impeccable with your word
  • Don't take anything personally
  • Don't make assumptions
  • Always do your best
The middle two didn't sing to me as much as the first and last - probably because I am terrible at taking things personally and making assumptions right and left (I know - never makes an ass out of u and me). Shortly after I read the Four Agreements, I read The Soul of a Chef by Michael Rhulman which expounded on the idea of doing things to the best of your ability.

The main idea behind this is no matter what you do - brushing your teeth, taking the dog for a walk, making breakfast, a particular project for work, creating a quilt - you should do it as best as you can and to do it any less than your best is simply a waste of time.

It is REALLY easy to just do the minimum amount necessary, but the theory goes if you do your best, it will be more satisfying and bring greater rewards. I really like this.

Where I get into conflict with this is my endurance training. I am trying to do my best, and I am doing the best this 45 year old body will allow, but my best is certainly no where close to the best in my age group (or even the best in several age groups above me). Does this make my training any less valid? I don't think so - I'm still trying to do this for my own personal enjoyment - and I should be satisfied seeing the improvements I have made from year to year and race to race. But it would be nice to be more middle of the pack than so solidly back of the pack.

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